Wow, its been a while since Skyler or I have posted. Life has caught up to us. Stress has gotten the best of both of us. The amount of school work and after school activities have taken over our lives recently. This past weekend, I traveled to Waco to compete with my team in the State Basketball Tournament. And wow!! None one expect our team to make it all the way to the championship game, but somehow we made it there. Although we fell short in our last game of the season, we left everything out on that court. While I was riding hope that night it hit me, the amount of school work I had to do, in just one day!!! Sunday night I didn't sleep but for an hour. I had no time to stop and figure out what was happening around me. I was so surrounded by the fact that I had a tons of stuff to do before Monday came around. I was completely in over my head. But then I remembered a song by Bethel called, In Over my Head. Kind of fitting, right? This is one of my favorite lines of the entire song,"Then You crash over me and I've lost control but I'm free. I'm going under, I'm in over my head." I just sat in my bed at 4 am playing that song on repeat, praying to God about the trials and tribulations of life. In some instances we have the opportunity to let those trials define us, but we should always take the opportunity to learn from them. Pray to ask God to give you the strength to get through the situation He specifically put you in, don't ask to be removed from the situation. He has a purpose. His timing is perfect. The small ways that God shows you that everything has a purpose is absolutely amazing. We go through times in life where we feel completely alone, but God is ALWAYS with us!!! We can't do anything without God. Without God we can't do anything without laying our tears, our stress, and our temptations down and giving them up to Him.
I personally can't do anything without giving myself up to Him and allowing Him to transform and shape me into His perfect image. I am a complete and utter wreck without Him, actually we all are.
Dear Lord,
Pour your voice into my lonesome heart, but first give me a heart that longs to hear your amazing voice. A heart that hungers for you. Shatter the earthly mindset I have obtained, breakdown the barriers I have built against you. Fill me with your overwhelming wisdom so that I may share your word to everyone I come in contact with.