Throughout high school many things happen. First as a freshman, you have to figure out what group of friends you fit into. Sometimes you fall into the wrong crowd, but in other cases you fall into the perfect friend group, with perfect friends that love God. For all of us it is trial and error who we choose to hang out with. For me, it was a bunch of trail and error, trying to figure out who I belonged with. Until I was exposed to a thing for teenagers called Second Saturday. And WOW!!! Honestly it was completely life changing. Justice and Caleb are the ones who invited me to Second Saturday, I was very hesitant at first because I was walking into it blind, having no idea what was going to take place that night. What an amazing experience. It was a place where I could go to glorify God, and not have peers snickering or laughing because I was "getting too into worship." Through Second Saturday I met some amazing girls, Kelsie and Francesca. They have showed me how easy it is to walk with God, and not be ashamed of my journey with him. It's been a crazy last few months, its amazing how you do one thing to glorify God and your whole life turns upside down. All my peers now think of me as a "Jesus Freak,"and I have never been so proud to be called something. Knowing that what I am doing on a day to day basis makes people want to get closer to our Lord and Savior. Throughout this journey, some of my best friend have been by my side. Sam and Madison have been encouraging me along this amazing journey. I have come a very long way from where I was in the beginning of the year. I keep a journal of everything God says to me in a daily basis. Journaling what God tells you, is honestly so stress relieving. My relationship with God has gotten stronger and stronger as the days pass and the weeks go by. God has imprinted an image on my brain of me someday becoming a missionary. I have the desire to spread the Word of Jesus with everyone I come in contact with. I am so glad God has given me such an amazing life and such an amazing opportunity to glorify Him in every little thing I do. I don't know where I would be on this journey without my 6 best friends by my side. I love how I get to glorify God and talk about Him with my best friends, and I love that all of them love Him as much as I do.
I'm so glad that I have this opportunity to share my journey with God. Thanks for reading guys :)) More to come soon!!!
This quote, has made me think about my whole journey with God, and WOW it helps put in perspective God's amazing pull in your life:
"To think you can love God without being changed by Him, is to think you can jump into the ocean and not get wet. To really love Him, you must understand that your life is going to be wrecked by Him, and built again into something beautiful and something that will last a lifetime."